Michael Faraday, the son of a blacksmith, was born in London
in 1791. He was apprenticed to a bookbinder and this contact with books gave him a love of reading. After becoming interested
in science, Faraday applied to Humphry Davy for a job. In 1813 Faraday became his temporary assistant and spent
the next 18 months touring Europe while during Davy's investigations into his theory of volcanic action.
Davy gave
Faraday a valuable scientific education and also introduced him to important scientists in Europe. After Humphry Davy retired
in 1827, Faraday replaced him as professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution. Faraday began to publish details of his
research including condensation of gases, optical deceptions and the isolation of benzene from gas oils.
greatest contribution to science was in the field of electricity. In 1821 he began experimenting with electromagnetism and
by demonstrating the conversion of electrical energy into motive force, invented the electric motor. In 1831 Faraday discovered
the induction of electric currents and made the first dynamo. In 1837 he demonstrated that electrostatic force consists of
a field of curved lines of force, and conceived a specific inductive capacity. This led to Faraday being able to develop his
theories on light and gravitational systems.
The government recognized his contribution to science by granting him
a pension and giving him a house in Hampton Court. However, Faraday was unwilling to use his scientific knowledge to help
military action and in 1853 refused to help develop poison gases to be used in the Crimean War. Michael Faraday died in 1867